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C/Beniarmut 1 B
03700 Dénia
phone 034 96 643 53 22
WhatsApp 034 722 491 281 (appointments)


Is mammography dangerous?
Not at all. We recommend doing one a year.
Due to the fact of living on earth, it is accepted that we suffer a global irradiation of between 3 and 10 mSv/year, depending on where we live. A mammogram (4 projections entails an irradiation of 0.8 mSv. ( minimum compared to the benefits it can provide )
We advise you to enter in these portals to have reliable information regarding the radiation of a mammogram.
You also have a risk calculator (only in English)
Is ultrasound useful in breast screening? ?
Yes. By itself it is not enough for a breast screening, but complementing the mammography it is essential, especially in fibrous breasts (category C and D).
Ultrasound performed every 6 months is far superior to self-examination performed monthly.
Hormonal treatments (contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, infertility treatments), are they dangerous? Spanish English
That the woman does not take the contraceptive pill for more than 10 years. (Spanish) English
That from the age of 40, they avoid all hormonal contraceptive methods (pills, patches, implants, vaginal rings, injections, hormonal IUDs. IF THEY HAVE TO USE IT, NEVER MORE THAN 5 YEARS, EVEN IF IT IS DISCONTINUOUSLY. This group of patients they should be included in the group of patients undergoing strict breast control (annual mammography in the SS).
That people who undergo fertilization treatments must be previously studied by a breast unit to assess risk factors that may occur and a exhaustive examination prior to tto with (mammography, ultrasound and/or MRI). In the medical literature there is no reliable evidence of linking tto and the increased incidence of breast cancer. Spanish English
I, personal opinion, doubt that: Women over 35 years of age, subjected to important hormonal discharges, and the possible late pregnancy itself, do not have a higher risk of breast and ovarian Ca than other women of the same age. AT LEAST, THIS GROUP DESERVES SPECIAL ATTENTION.

What should we know about Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the breast?
Spanish English.
In general, we can say that it is not used as a usual diagnostic method. Only in those cases where there is doubt in the images, it is used as a complement to the other tests (Mammography and Ultrasound). in very certain cases (Category D breasts (very fibrous pattern) and in high-risk women, it substitutes/alternates with mammography. The true role of MRI is to evaluate both breasts once a Ca has been discovered in some of them, to rule out the possibility of other hidden cancers in the same.
Of course yes ""LEAD A HEALTHY LIFE"", proper diet, frequent exercise, avoid or restrict alcohol/tobacco, and be careful with hormonal preparations throughout your life (pill, hormonal IUD, menopause)
Is there anything I can do to lower my chances of getting breast cancer?
I can do some operation to reduce the chances of breast cancer
Those women who are considered VERY high risk they have the possibility of preventive surgery. From oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries (in premenopausal women) to subcutaneous mastectomy with placement of breast prostheses) English
There are medications to reduce the chances of breast cancer
Yes, also those women who are considered VERY high risk, have the possibility of taking medications (antiestrogens:) that can reduce the possibility. The usual medications are . Tamoxifen (Premenopausal). Raloxifene, Anastrozole, Exemestane (Postmenopausal). It should not be forgotten that all of them have important side effects such as (venous thrombosis preferably Tamoxifen, Osteoporosis preferably Anastrozol and Exemestane. Spanish English
I have had breast cancer, how should I ask? MY life from now on ??. Can I take hormones? Can I get pregnant? Can I breastfeed? to my possible son??
In general, after breast cancer, the chances of being able to get pregnant (by itself) they are few, but they do exist, especially in women under 35 years of age. All hormonal, chemotherapy and even immunological treatments destroy ovarian tissue and/or generate genetic disorders in the fetus. But there is always the resource of fertility treatments (before the tto freezing of own eggs, embryos, after tto, adoption, or use of donated egg or embryo to have a baby .
The question that is always asked How long should I wait to think about getting pregnant? Although there is no unanimous consensus, it is advisable to wait at least 2 years later of having finished all the treatment (including the hormonal one (it is usually at least 5 years). If it is decided to suspend the hormonal treatment at 2 years, it would be advisable to continue with it after delivery until it is finished. (5-10 years)
Getting pregnant after breast cancer is a consensus between the woman and her oncologist who is the one who knows the situation best .
If the decision of pregnancy were made and it were effective, breastfeeding would be an adventure that we would not be able to know until we verified the collateral effects of RT-CT and HT on the mammary gland. It is possible, but very difficult.
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